Lahey-Lahey Picnic - 6th January 2006 - Sayeed kas lens - 2
The Best Dressed Axomiya of the Day: His suave and manners nothwithstanding I think the pictures Sayeed ka sent and ones you are viewing has a surreal feel to it!
Here is what he has to say about his work:
Shall We Bihu?: Pulen ka coaxing me to 'get into action' - for once nobody asked me why I wear a 'gamcha' on my head, which was very reassuring! I love the 'poster' effct in this image.Here is what he has to say about his work:
So here they are, for what its worth. Because as you will see that they did'nt come out well. It at least proves that I am not a great photographer. Evidently I did'nt set the digital camera in the correct way, unfortunately. If you decide not upload them to the website, that's all right. I will understand-- and maybe make me resolve to do a better job next time around. Lets hope the others who had their cameras that day, have some better photographs, and put them on the web even with some more lahey lahey.
Amar Bihut Amoni Nai: Self left and Wazir Ka 'get into action' and sure enough.......
.....we have Bhonty baity 'leading the charge' of ladies -- I am sure we will have some more pix of who else joined in the 'kokal hiluwa'